Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!!

Take care of ur planet!
Try to do just one good thing for the Earth each day!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Apr-may furniture catalog

Secert items

- On the poodle plant click the last green thing and there is a wheelbarrow.
-Click on the corn on the gardan and the picket fence comes.
-Click the electric guitar shadow box.
-Click the word puffle where it says "puffle posters".
-When you click the koi pond the ice table comes.
-Click the pinata and the aquarium comes up (goldfish included).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

penguinplay awards

Best for the golden puffle
Best costume...........fairy fables
Best for the golden puffle
Best for the golden puffle
Best for the golden puffle

lol! I wonder what was most penguins fav play is?

Friday, April 3, 2009

srry the catalogs were just delayed CP has a different time zone


the poll for the awardz will be later today so you still have time to vote!


and as you saw the catalogs not out yet!!!!!!!!!! so theres no cheats

no catalog?!

Today when i went on cp to see the new catalog it was not there!Lots of penguins think it is an april fools joke.Maybe it will come out later today.Once the catalog comes out we will write a new post with the secert items and where to find them.Take this as a chance to get the things you did not get from the march catalog yet.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

SC members

in our new but ausome website we have 5 members their names and jobs are
Sniff alot (President) Sniff A Lot (Vice presedent) Beanronroxy (photographer)
webkinz9009 (cheat finder) and nitro2011 (cheat finder) we just thought you'd
like to know... o ya we have two sniffalots but as you can see our President doesin't
have a space after the A


Do you like the awards? i think there kewl!

KEWL!!!!!!!!! eh?

its hard to meet famous penguins but keep trying.

april fools party

the new party is totally ausome. We love this party. as in all us people in sniffs cheatsscreenapril.jpg               

this party is so much phun!!